Alpha KappA Psi

Alpha Kappa Psi is recognized as the premier developer of principled business Leaders.


What is Alpha Kappa Psi?

Alpha Kappa Psi is the largest and oldest professional fraternity. It was founded on October 5, 1904 at New York University. Our chapters are in more than 300 campuses in the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, and now in Hong Kong. Alpha Kappa Psi are recognized as the premier developer of principled business leaders.

The Big Picture

In 1904, Alpha Kappa Psi was founded at New York University. Its founders intended the fraternity's brothers to lead on campus and spread knowledge of the business professionalism to all interested students. The fraternity was based on five values: Brotherhood, Knowledge, Integrity, Service, and Unity. These core values are instilled in every chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi throughout the world, including ours. Over more than 100 years, the fraternity has grown to include over 200,000 members, including women. There are now over 200 chapters worldwide connecting brothers, alumni, faculty and business professionals across the globe. 

Our Values



Sydney Pasceri


Sydney Schmidt

Vice President of Membership

Paul Sposato

Vice President of Finance

Kate Heaney

Vice President of Organization

Kendall Pinsky

Vice President of Marketing